2024 Whole Foods Trends: Strategic Insights and Predictions

In mid-October, Whole Foods released their annual trends list and plant-based foods were at the top. More specifically, plant-based beverages with simple ingredients (some as few as two ingredients) are predicted to rise in popularity.

When innovators only have a few ingredients to work with, they need to be sure that the quality of those ingredients shines through in the finished product. When in comes to tree nut butters, there is a wide spectrum of quality, and consumer expectations continue to rise - from their expectations of flavor and mounth feel, to the nutrition panel they want to see.

Artificial ingredients are less desirable to a growing customer base, and they also want beverages that are both delicious and lower in sugar. Think of a creamy, almond milk cold brew that has a higher percentage of almonds, cashews or macadamias, and no added sugar.

For the past 20+ years, Cache Creek Foods has been innovating in this important space, for you. Try one (or more) of our premium tree nut bases - in the roast level of your choice - to meet your desired finished-product flavor profile.

From particle size, to taste, you will be happy with the result.


Almond Market Conditions - Jan 2024


Regenerative Insights - from a Farm Tour